Benefits Of Deploying Ready Mix Concrete

There are many varieties of concrete used for construction, and as ready-mix-concrete is one of the most common types, you will likely contact an RMC agent in Malaysia when you always want more concrete. As the name suggests, an RMC is concrete mixed offsite and already prepared for delivery and use.

The commonality of RMC is justified with a number of economical reasons.


Lowered costs and time

The most obvious advantage of an RMC is that since it is already mixed offsite based on your requirements, there is no need to wait for your own concrete to be mixed onsite. Delays by erecting and dismantling onsite mixing equipment are also now a rarity as with an RMC, you can already get straight to the job.

Costs are also lowered when deploying RMC to your construction project. For starters, there is no need to purchase every raw material required for your concrete. Instead, the work is left to the professionals so you will only have to purchase RMC itself. 

Storage costs are also lowered since you have little to no raw materials to store and it is unnecessary to RMC onsite. Besides, labor costs are also reduced due to the elimination of mixing your own concrete.

The same goes to maintenance costs as thanks to the increasing hardness of RMC overtime, you have a sturdy, durable and long lasting material.


High quality

RMC’s quality stems from precise measurements, controlled environment and high quality materials. The use of sophisticated equipment to produce RMC reduces the chances of human error. The process of mixing RMC is monitored with strict controls over material testing. 

Using traditional concrete does not guarantee the quality of the mix, which is a big problem if it really turns out to be poor. Poor concrete puts the structural integrity of any building or application at risk, and may cause severe consequences such as a collapsed floor or ceiling.

RMC’s quality ensures that the structure remains sturdy and long lasting in the future.


Eco friendly

Another attraction of RMC is its eco-friendly process in mixing it. For starters, the use of bulk concrete rather than bags of cement reduces dust and saves cement, contributing to energy and resource savings. RMC’s ingredients: water, aggregate and cement are always available and sourcing them reduces the environmental impact compared to other building materials.

Leftover materials can be reused or recycled too. Besides, due to the low consumption of petrol and diesel in RMC production, air and noise pollution are reduced. 



RMC agent in Malaysia

RMC is versatile in that it can be fitted in many projects depending on the specifications of the client. Say you want to build a pool for your luxurious hotel. You contacted an RMC agent and told them about your project. No biggie. All they have to do is to create an RMC batch that is specifically for laying the foundations of the pool.

How about just a building foundation? Also not a problem. As long as RMC is mixed to meet the requirements of said foundation, it is a perfect building material to work with. RMC can also be used in other huge projects ranging from the building of a dam to a bridge.